Miracles Intro

SAMUEL DANIYAN WORLD MINISTRIES wholeheartedly believes that the All powerful God, the creator of heaven and earth rendered countless miracles in the past and that the same God still performs mighty miracles even in this 21st century.

God’s Holy Word, the Bible, breaks down the Word, “Miracles” into a multitude of categories. In order to speak about each and every one of them here, we would have to use almost all of the 66 books of the Bible. In order to give God His Due, we are therefore going to first find out what the Word, “Miracle” means. Then, we will show you through His Holy Word, some of the great miracles the Lord has done for His people: yesterday, and how He is continuing to bless His people with similar miracles today. The modern everyday dictionary defines “Miracles” as:

“An event or action that apparently contradicts known scientific laws and is hence thought to be due to supernatural causes, especially to (be) an act of God.”

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